High Density Polyethylene Knotted Netting
Why us
Whether you are an established company or just another startup company starting out...
Whether you work at a 1000 sq ft corner office with a 100, 000 sq ft warehouse in the back or basement of your home, you'll need a reliable partner in China.
It's easier to work with us.
Why? Coz we are 24/7. All time zones friendly.
Contact us
Fujian Yangfan Plastic Netting Co., Ltd.
No. 199 Xuefu East Road, Xianyou County, Fujian P.R. 351200, China
T: 86-594-858-0810
F: 86-594-858-6880
W: www.birdcontrolnetting.com
E: sales@birdcontrolnetting.com